11 Essential Oil Diffusers With The Power To Change Your Room's Energy

If you're looking to boost your spirits and you've already tired of your trendy aromatherapy necklace and burned through your most soothing candles, it's high time you gave an essential oil diffuser a try.

Although these machines come in several different varieties, their purpose remains the same: to disperse an essential oil's fragrance through the air. By simply breathing the air, aromatherapists and holistic health practitioners believe that you can absorb the oil's properties, from relaxing lavender to energizing peppermint. (Not sure what you're looking for? Check out our guide to essential oils and their properties.)

For the record: A few small studies have found that certain diffused essential oils can help repel bugs and decrease anxiety, but the research on aromatherapy's health benefits remains relatively limited. That said, a great-smelling home never hurt anyone.

Ahead, we've rounded up our favorite diffusers for anyone looking to imbue their living space with the restorative vibes of their choice, whether they're relaxing or invigorating ones. Read on to figure out which diffuser is right for you.

Read Full Article: https://www.refinery29.com/best-aromatherapy-essential-oil-diffuser

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